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Do This EVERY DAY To Combat Aging

Writer's picture: Darek KowalDarek Kowal

Every person has a different reason for exercising. Lately, I’ve been hearing the same reason again and again:

‘I’m starting to feel old’.

And this isn’t from clients entering their 70’s. I’m talking about people in their mid 30s.

Why are people starting to feel the impact of aging so early in their life? The answer can sometimes be as simple as a lack of movement.

Living a sedentary lifestyle can be very debilitating to your health. You lose flexibility, you lose athleticism, and you lose energy. As these decrease, so does quality of life.

In hopes of combating the effects of aging and a sedentary living, here’s a great warm up I do every single morning to maintain flexibility, prevent injury, and keep feeling like myself.

*Always consult a Healthcare Professional before beginning any exercise/nutrition program.


Start with simple knee raises to get the blood flowing. I like to set my hands as a target and bring my knees to them. This motion helps loosen my hip flexors and the muscles in my lumbar spine. It’s a great first move of the day as it is low impact and suitable for most skill levels.


This is a stretch that makes you say ‘Oh!’. It feels so good to stretch some of the biggest muscles in your body and that’s exactly what this accomplishes. By popping my hip out and reaching over head, I’m stretching my latissimus dorsi (lat muscles). Not only does this help prevent injury while doing my back workouts, but this stretch improves posture as tight lats can lead to rounded shoulders.


Once I’ve got the blood flowing, I like to do a toes out floor to ceiling reach. I sink deep into my hips (which helps open them up) then lead down with my glutes until I touch the floor. Pushing through my heels, I raise up, stretch my lumbar spine, and reach for the sky.

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t make it all the way down to the floor. Always go at your own pace and do what feels right for you. Keep this up over the long haul and soon your range of motion will improve.


This stretch takes a bit of practice. I like to start with my hands on my hips, then slide them down my legs as I reach for my knees, shins, then toes. My goal is to keep my chin tucked and back flat. I take a moment to enjoy the stretch along the back of my legs (hamstrings) then reverse the motion.

This is a great stretch for maintaining and improving flexibility, while also keeping some of the biggest muscles in your body loose.


This is a more advanced move but it’s a great goal to build towards. I start in a triangle stance then enter a lateral lunge. The more flexibility you have, the lower you are able to go. At this point, I can touch the floor on both sides. Once I’m at the bottom of the move, I pivot my hip and knee internally, activating my hips and hip flexors, then rise and rotate back to my starting position.

This move is amazing for keeping your lower half functional and maintaining athleticism.

For more fitness tips and nutrition advice, Book A Free Consultation Today!

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Consult A Qualified Healthcare Professional Prior To Beginning Any Diet Or Exercise Program. This Website & Its Content Is For Informational & Educational Purposes Only. It Is Not Intended As Medical Advice Or To Replace A Relationship With A Qualified Healthcare Professional.

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